ادامه مطلب ...Eating is simple. Eating out isn't … if you're traveling in a foreign country, that is! But don't panic – we won't let you starve. Check out this list of important dining phrases that will surely help you ease those hunger pangs!
1. I'd like to make a reservation. For some restaurants, you’ll need to call in advance to secure a table. Be prepared to give the number of people in your group, the time you will arrive and your name. "I’d like to make a reservation for four at 8 p.m. for Kristi." The receptionist may ask for your phone number or about your smoking preference, so have this information ready.
ادامه مطلب ...Ailing Auntie Annie Ames ate apple butter in abundance. *
Double bubble gum bubbles double. *
Busy buzzing bumble bees. *
Billy blows big blue bubbles. *
ادامه مطلب ...level : intermediate or upper
Accelerate: _k séll_ ràyt : go faster: to move increasingly quickly, or
cause something to move faster. progress faster: to happen or develop
faster, or cause something to happen or develop faster
ac·cel·er·at·ed, adj
ac·cel·er·a·tive [ak séll_ ràytiv], adj
Barrier: bárree _r. thing that obstructs: something that obstructs or
separates, often by emphasizing differences. structure blocking access: a
structure, for example, a fence, intended to prevent access or keep one
place separate from another. limit or standard: something considered to
be a limit, standard, or boundary
ادامه مطلب ...Mariam was five years old the first time she heard the word harami
It happened on a Thursday. It must have, because Mariam remembered that she had been restless and preoccupied that day, the way she was only on Thursdays, the day when Jalil visited her at thekolba. To pass the time until the moment that she would see him at last, crossing the knee-high grass in the clearing and waving, Mariam had climbed a chair and taken down her mother's Chinese tea set. The tea set was the sole relic that Mariam's mother, Nana, had of her own mother, who had died when Nana was two. Nana cherished each blue-and-white porcelain piece, the graceful curve of the pot's spout, the hand-painted finches and chrysanthemums, the dragon on the sugar bowl, meant to ward off evil.