ادامه مطلب ...Word: a meaningful combination of letters.
Phrase: a meaningful combination of words.
Clause: a meaningful combination of words + subject + verb.
1- Independent (meaningful by itself)
2- Dependent (needs another independent clause to be complete.)
Dependent clauses:
1- noun clauses
2- adjective clauses
3- adverbial clauses
ادامه مطلب ...Does your English come across as too polite? While formal language is essential with your boss and your customers, you would sound strange to your friends if you speak with them in the same way. To tone down your English for life's casual situations, check out these tips.
ادامه مطلب ..."Sometimes," Nana said early one morning, as she was feeding the chickens outside thekolba, "I wish my father had had the stomach to sharpen one of his knives and do the honorable thing. It might have been better for me." She tossed another handful of seeds into the coop, paused, and looked at Mariam. "Better for you too, maybe. It would have spared you the grief of knowing that you are what you are. But he was a coward, my father. He didn't have thedil, the heart, for it."
31. Give each other a full-body massage.
32. Kiss every hour on the hour all day long.
33. Send a gift basket of indulgent items.
34. Write "I'm hot for you" in the steam on the bathroom mirror.
35. Ribbon wrap your bed with a big bow.