You should guess when you take the test. This is not cheating it is simply intelligent test-taking.
To get an idea of how your scores compare with those of other test takers, you should look at the percentile ranking. For example, if a score of 640 ranks in the 94 th percentile, this means that 94 percent of the test takers received scores lower than 640. If a score of 500 is in the 50 th percentile-i, e,. 50 percent of the test-takers scored lower than 500, and 50 percent scored higher than 500. In general, a score above 600 is considered to be excellent, whereas a score below 479 is weak
Each of the three sections is given a raw score. A raw score is computed by adding up all the right answers in a given section. Please note that there in no penalty for a wrong answer.) The raw scores are converted to a scaled score, which ranges from 20 to 68 for each section. Then your total score is calculated using the following formula:
In other words, your total score is the average of your three scalded scores times ten. The total score ranges from 310 to 677 Since the EMEO only reports the scores you want them to, it's to your advantage to take the test more than once and then submit your best scores to the schools or institutions you are inclined to.
Note: There is no penalty for an incorrect answer. Intelligent guesses are highly recommended. Therefore
The Test of Language by the Iranian Measurement Organization (English-Advanced) or TOLIMO: E-A is a standardized test administered by the Educational Measurement and Evaluation Organization (EMEO). It is a multiple – choice exam that lasts about two hours. It is designed to test a English speaker's proficiency in English.
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