عبارتند از :
Be, modal, present tense, past tense, perfect tense
زمانیکه افعال بالا بصورت تاکیدی بکار می روند؛ باید به آن ها دقت کنید. مثال :
بر روی نوار می شنوید :
(woman) did you see Paul driving around in his Mustang ?
(man) then he DID get a new car ?
(narrator) what had the man thought ?
در برگه ی آزمون و صفحه ی مانیتور می بینید :
A) Paul would definitely get a Mustang.
B) Paul did not know how to drive.
C) Paul did not like Mustangs.
D) Paul would not get a new car.
پاسخ صحیح : D