Some friends forget
Some move away
Some keep silent
Some just change
But I’m not 1 of them.
I’m here just 4 two momentsnow & 4ever
Treat life as sea, your heart as sea-shore,
And friend as waves.
It never matters how many waves r their,
What matter is which one touches the shore…
Friendship is not about finding similarities, it is about respecting differences. You are not my friend coz you are like me, but because I accept you and respect you the way you are.
I m not Wealthy but I have Rich Heart,
I m not Best but I will try my Best,
I may not be Right every time but
I m Surely not Wrong to choose U as my Friend
Have a heart that never hardens
have a smile that never fades
have a touch that never burnt
and have friendship that never breaks.
A Fact:
When you are up in life,
Your friends get to know who you are.
When you are down in life,
You get to know who your friends are…
People like U are found only once in a lifetime.
So U better take care of yourself because I don t want to waste another lifetime
to find a such a SWEET Friend
Not all friends are true.
But true friends are very few,
Which includes U
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Friendship is not collection of hearts but it is selection of hearts.
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A true friend understands when u say ‘I forgot’, waits 4ever when u say ‘just a min’, stays with u when u say ‘leave me alone’ & opens his heart even b4 u knock
To hear what is unspoken, to see what is invisible, to feel without even touching... is the miracle called "friendship"
Make your life a house your heart can live in. With a door that is open to receive friends. And a garden full of memories … of many good things