آموزش زبان انگلیسی

آموزش زبان انگلیسی , رایگان و تخصصی : آیلتس,تافل , توانایی صحبت کردن با لهجه های آمریکایی ,انگلیسی,مبتدی تاپیشرفته

آموزش زبان انگلیسی

آموزش زبان انگلیسی , رایگان و تخصصی : آیلتس,تافل , توانایی صحبت کردن با لهجه های آمریکایی ,انگلیسی,مبتدی تاپیشرفته

Listening Homework

level :  intermediate or upper 


Accelerate: _k séll_ ràyt : go faster: to move increasingly quickly, or

cause something to move faster. progress faster: to happen or develop

faster, or cause something to happen or develop faster

ac·cel·er·at·ed, adj

ac·cel·er·a·tive [ak séll_ ràytiv], adj


Barrier: bárree _r. thing that obstructs: something that obstructs or

separates, often by emphasizing differences. structure blocking access: a

structure, for example, a fence, intended to prevent access or keep one

place separate from another. limit or standard: something considered to

be a limit, standard, or boundary


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none error

(Those usages people keep telling you are wrong but which are actually standard in English.) 


Split infinitives

For the hyper-critical, “to boldly go where no man has gone before” should be “to go boldly. . . .” It is good to be aware that inserting one or more words between “to” and a verb is not strictly speaking an error, and is often more expressive and graceful than moving the intervening words elsewhere; but so many people are offended by split infinitives that it is better to avoid them except when the alternatives sound strained and awkward.

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